There was a truck double parked in front of the house. Dad & I had to wait for a young bearded guy to back up and let us out. I was really impressed with what those people have to do to replace a pole. Think about it, they don't even turn off our power. They work with those lines HOT. That is a job I would avoid even if it payed very well.
I was looking forward to working out today. I mean it, I was actually excited when the clock neared 2:30 pm. There were no fears of stares or hidden monsters jumping out of the dark. All I could think of was the freedom I feel when I walk down into the gravity releasing waters. There is another reason I look forward to my workouts. When my face is under water I can scream all I want and no one hears me. It is a fantastic way to vent anger and frustration. I also get to splash and slam the water with my hands and feet.

I remember when I was living with my Mom and two Brothers near Lake Sammamish. I was in my early teens and there were woods across the street from our place. I would go into those woods, grab a stick and smash everything in my proximity. I don't think I did any real damage. Just helped a few sticker bushes expand their influence and probably made weeds wish I was a rock. For me, it was a powerful and healthy way to release emotion without hurting family and friends. The water is a life renewing outlet for me.
As I recall pre-accident days. I used to look forward to my workouts in the gym, on the track, or in a pool. The physical exertion would serve as an outlet for emotion. I felt freer then, things did not bother me as much. If something was digging at me, I'd hit the road, pool, or weights. After an hour or two of hard work, the problems seemed smaller and solutions had a way of popping into my mind almost like an afterthought.

Our subconscious mind loves to solve problems for us. It does it's best work when our active mind is at rest or not occupied with concentration and computation. The adage "why don't you sleep on it" is an old saying but it has roots in this type of problem solving. When things get too hard, give life a little time to solve things for us. Distract yourself, it's not as bad as it seems, something will show up. When we step back from the problem, our subconscious gets a chance to take over and work it out for us.
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