Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 34 - Fuzzy Logic

I ran out of an important pharmaceutical, last week, that helps me manage my Blood Sugar. Guess what happens when a person runs out of their Blood Sugar medication? In my case it means my eyes have a hard time staying focused. My right eye starts to develop a life of it's own. I get to learn how to cope by seeing two of everything, and one of the pair keeps moving around. Can I use the keyboard? Well, that is debatable, since I am not smart enough to do it by feel yet, I'm a two finger type of guy. Or at least I have to look at the keyboard while I hunt and peck at the keys.

Some day I will get one of those programs that teaches typing. I think one of the most popular is Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (r). My kids used it and they are able to scream on the computer keyboard. In fact, Bryce actually has to wait for the keyboard buffer to catch up with him. He has to slow down because many programs get angry with him for being so fast. Speedy Gonzalez (AKA Saturday Morning Cartoons as a kid) would not be able to keep up with my kids. Am I a proud parent? What do you think? Of course I am!


On to the real battle, life in the workout lane. I did go to the facility on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (today).

Tuesday was amazing. There were so many people in the pool when I arrived that I wondered if there was even room for me to do any kind of a workout. Both lanes were full. Physical Therapy was running top speed, as were swimming lessons, kids playing like mad, and other trying to do laps in between the crashing waves. It was fantastic. Nothing better than a busy pool. The noise can be overwhelming at times, but the smiles and excitement are intoxicating.

I was forced to modify my normal workout routine. It just did not fit the locale. No problem, I adapted and kept moving anyway. I just kept in mind the words of Dr. Call to move for one hour. That is exactly what I did, I kept moving, avoiding, swimming, walking, bobbing, jumping (sort of), and splashing. It was really great and actually refreshing to have the challenge.

Today was more like normal. There were a few people in the pool working out or relaxing. Nothing like the day before. Oh, yeah, today is Adults Only, that is why there were no children. Well, it was really quiet and most of the waves were made by me.

I did have a challenge though. For the last few days I think I have been accumulating water in my body. Which has radically effected my buoyancy and motor control. It has been difficult to move in a straight line, just keeping moving has been a struggle. Add to that, my right hip, leg, and ankle have been sore. It was a less than delightful day. I'm not wanting to sound like I am complaining. However, it's important to document my experiences so later on I can look back and hopefully see a positive progression in experiences and results.

Some good things have developed. I have not felt like hiding from people this week. Nor has there been fear for me as I approach time to go do my workout. In fact, I have been looking forward to the process. I am starting to enjoy what I am doing. Who knows, I may just keep working out, I will go tomorrow and see what happens next.

Dad has been going with me most of the time. He said today that his knees were not hurting, before his workout. Which is fantastic. Recently he has had a reduction in discomfort after his workouts, but today he felt good before. When he started last month, he barely did 20 minutes, now he finishes an entire 60 minutes and feels good. On our way home he said that he no longer feels like the workouts are a struggle.

If Dad can improve that much in a month, so can others. The hardest part is getting started. Some people need company or motivation. If a friend or family member will go with them, they can get started. After a while it can become a habit, then good things start to happen.

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