Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day Six - Distraction Technique

My how the body likes sleep. Getting up has become a progressively greater challenge. I suspect this will pass within a few weeks. A good note is that my legs were not as angry when I used them this morning. Other areas were still reporting in as usual.

My Father had a Doctor's appointment today and he was unable to go swimming with me. As the clock ticked away, my apprehension increased the closer I got to 2:30pm. By mid morning the beast of FEAR was screaming at me. It's funny how the loss of companionship can cause our fears to increase. I decided to just ignore the pessimist and pretend that my Dad was coming with me anyway. The trick worked, until I headed for the kitchen door and reality took control. My feet were already moving and I just followed along to see what happened next.

On my way to the pool I dropped off another NetFlix envelope. I'm actually sending those DVD's back faster now, because I pass the USPS every day. My "pending rentals" queue will empty out faster now. So I guess that is a good thing. It's a great deal.... wait a minnit, I'm not getting paid for this sales pitch so I'll get back to the subject at hand.

As I entered the facility I felt like the eyes were hard at work. I know it's probably all in my imagination. Just because I think people are looking at me, does not mean that they aren't. It may be in my head, but who really knows for sure. Wow what a mind trap. :)

When I neared the Men's dressing room a kind person was coming out. He wanted to talk so I paused. He mentioned reading my blog and we exchanged a few sentences. Then my mind went blank. I have a difficult time talking to people, especially face to face. I worry so much about what to say that my mind goes blank. So I smiled at him and moved into the dressing room. I think he wanted to keep talking but I was not sure what to say, and I had been on my feet for too long. The last thing I wanted to have happen was to collapse right in the middle of everything.

The pool was empty, I mean no one in sight, for about 2 minutes. Then a few others arrived. Today is Adults Only day so no children allowed. As I splashed back and forth I realized how much I like watching the youngn's swim and play. It provides a powerful distraction from the task at hand. When I was in the Hospital 20 years ago I participated in an in-house Pain Control Program that taught me the "distraction technique." Meaning that our minds can only focus on a few things at a time. To help reduce the perception of pain - add distractions. TV shows, games, anything that keeps the mind occupied. Without the distractions pain perception increases and a cycle of pain to sadness to more pain to more sadness develops.

While doing my swim routine I have been using these distraction techniques without even realizing it, until today, when the distractions were gone. Wow it was difficult to keep moving for a while, until I realized what was happening and I started focusing on other things. I had to get creative, I looked at rust on little nuts, water dropping from the ceiling, foam near the wall, anything that could occupy my attention for a while. To my delight the distraction were working so well that I didn't even want to get out when my hour had passed. I lasted an extra 8 minutes. Not much, but, it was 8 more minutes of blood pumping and body moving.

When I got home the easy chair looked wonderful. I wanted to sit down and start writing, but it was hard to get my head cleared. In fact, I found that I was feeling fairly crabby for the rest of the day. It was difficult to not let my pain do the talking when interacting with others. I messed up a few times and felt bad for coming across harshly. When it happens there is not much I can do than wait until I am in better control and make my apologies.

I am looking forward to getting wet again tomorrow. I can feel changes in my muscles. Nothing major, but the soreness is actually encouraging, it means that I have been using the little buggers and forcing them to work harder. Over time that will spell strength and increased physical activity.

What follows is a mini-vid of me getting ready to splash. Brooke was trying to help me take a few pictures but the camera was in video mode.


David's Blog said...

Miles, the video is a great addition to your blog. You should put Brooke on salary and give her a mention in the credits.

Unknown said...

Miles I left my comments to your Dad, if you are interested in my thoughts ask your Dad what I said.
Miles I wish you could see what I see in you. I understand the pain, the weight and the self loathing...But when I read or listen to you I see a Wonderful sensitive, engaging, interesting, smart man. My picture of you in my mind is more like Charles Atlas. So maybe you can re-define as Mr. Atlas. Love your writing keep it up. Cindy

Dan Ciranny said...

Wow - this is an awesome story! You have great courage and extraordinary additude, Miles!

Having read just the first few days of your journal, i am certain you will win in controlling your weight and enjoying abundant energy, Miles. It is because you have already demonstrated that you have great courage and determination.

AND that clever passion you have for life comes out in your humorous writing style.

Your challenge reminds me of the fears and struggles my only brother has faced over the past few years after suffering a stroke in the prime of his life and then having some serious complications. He was such a hard worker, and very strong and fit. He had a tooth go bad, and the posin from that leaking into his arteries. We nearly lost him, but he had great courage and determination, he learned to walk again, to drive, use a chain saw, go fishing in Alaska, and even fly his plane!

I am a firm believer in the breakthroughs in medicine AND nutrition, and know that you are going to be OK, Miles.

Remember the famous words of Churchill "NEVER give up".

Your are a fantastic writer... I'm wishing i had a little of your talent. I'm thinking to myself, he must have been a reporter or published author.

Anyway, I plan on reading about your journey "back" every few days, so i'm hoping you can add some words of progress in most every entry.

Oh BRW: I'm Dan C., a friend of Dave and Ginny in Fall City, WA.

Eagle Maiden said...
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Eagle Maiden said...

Remember the universally celebrated words of my favorite movie hero..."Peter Quincy Taggart":


You inspire me.
